Royal Black Goddess

Majestic Crowns

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"...The task is Great.  It demands WISE Judgement and Statesmanship of the Highest Order.  It requires Unceasing Labor and Dedication of Fundamental Principles and Objectives, and a Determination to Overcome all obstacles, however large.  He who suffers, Conquers, and in the final Resort, Wins the Crown of Victory"
- His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I


MAJESTIC : 1. possessing Majesty, Grandeur, Sovereignty, Supreme Greatness or Authority.  2. Lofty Dignity.  3. to be Royal or Grand.
CROWN : 1. the Top of the Head.  2. any of various types of Symbolic Headgear worn by a King, Queen, Emperor,  Empress etc.  as a Symbol of Sovereignty.  3. an ornamental wreath or circulet for the Head, conferrred by the Ancients as a mark of Victory, Distinction and Achievement.  The Crown: the Sovereign as Head of State, Supreme Monarch. 
In the Year 2000 The Black Madhane learned the Mystic and Supreme Art of Crown Making from Crochet Guru, Mama Ariah Traditon.  Taking this Creative Craft to another Level,  Madhane has infused her own Artistic Vision into Crown Making, bringing forth her signature Style the "Third I".  She now sees Crown Making as part of a Sacred Heritage and introduces her own line of Crocheted Crowns called  "Majestic Crowns" which is filled with influences of a Neo~Ancient,  Afro~Royal Style. Each Crown is a One of a Kind Original and a Creative Work of Art; handmade with a Prayer, Thoughtfulness and Lots of Love.  Visit the Goddess Gallery to View some of Our "Majestic Crowns" or the Royal Boutique to purchase items from the collection!
Order Your custom made Majestic Crown today @